
Chapter One :Chapter 1

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The intricately carved solid wood door was being hammered so loudly it was deafening.

Inside the room, a man and woman were sleeping soundly, closely entwined on a king-sized bed, under a thin blanket.

The disturbing racket continued, waking Tang Shen from his deep slumber; his head felt as though it was about to explode from a hangover. As he moved his arm slightly, a very coquettish whimper reached his ear, and his touch was met with skin as smooth as silk.

Tang Shen instinctively looked over to his side, just as Yan Caiwei was gradually awakening.

Their eyes met.

There was a scream that nearly pierced Tang Shen's eardrums.

"Tang Shen, what exactly did you do to me?" Yan Caiwei hastily grabbed the quilt to cover her delicate body, which was full of kiss marks, and sat cautiously on the bed.

Experiencing a sudden flow of cold air, Tang Shen's impressive physique, complete with six-pack abs, was fully exposed, but he didn't care.

"Despicable!" Yan Caiwei, was beside herself with anger, and threw a pillow at his head.

"Celebrity lady, I should be asking you that! After all, it's you lying in my bed," Tang Shen glanced behind him and let out a slight gasp. The shocking scratch marks were a vivid reminder of how intense the previous night had been.

"You..." Yan Caiwei pointed at him, blushing from embarrassment and anger, the words of reproach, however, caught in her throat.


A loud crash.

The door, which had stood strong a moment ago, collapsed to the floor.

In the blink of an eye, a swarm of media reporters carrying cameras poured into the room.


"Click! Click!"

Countless flashes targeted the man and woman on the bed.

Tang Shen reacted quickly. He had already firmly held the woman next to him, with the quilt and all, in his arms, discreetly blocking her face.

“Ms. Yan, since your debut, your image as a pure lady has won people's hearts. Dare I ask if this is only for show?”

“Are you actually a player off the stage?”

“Seems the fans of the national goddess would have their hearts broken.”


One sharp question followed another, not lacking in their mockery and disdain.

Tang Shen’s temple throbbed angrily. He grabbed the table lamp next to the bed and smashed it towards the floor, making the others step back several steps for fear of being affected.


His imposing aura instantly stunned everyone present.

“Say another word, and be ready to face a lawsuit.”

This farce finally came to a temporary halt thanks to the prompt intervention of Yan Caiwei's agent, Guan Lin.


Having dressed, Yan Caiwei didn't forget to apply concealer to the several apparent kiss marks on her neck in front of the bathroom mirror, cursing Tang Shen in her heart. In the end, she flung open the bathroom door.

In the center of the room, a man clad in a handmade Italian suit stood still.

"Tang Shen, you'd better forget what happened last night," Yan Caiwei sternly approached, grabbing the collar of the man's clothing.

"But all that comes to my mind now is your fascinating appearance last night," Tang Shen emphasized the last few words deliberately near Yan Caiwei's ear, eliciting an ambiguous air. A mischievous smile hung on his slightly lifted lips.

Her face turned crimson involuntarily, Yan Caiwei, embarrassed and angry, pushed him away. Cold glares like sharp knives flew from her eyes towards him, "I don't want to see you again."

With that said, Yan Caiwei left in strides, her eight-centimeter high heels clacking against the floor.

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